weight of the world
Heya.. well its been a really long time since i last posted anything. And really i didnt expect to be doing it right now. But i have to really get something written down right now. Where others i know, who are close to me, would read. Its something that has troubled me for a really long time, but its only been today that it has been made extremely apparent to me, and its only really today that i've found how devious and deceitful the evil one can be, even to those are are elderly and looked up to as wise.Today i went to my cousin's church at dunbar heights. Its a united church. I didn't think much of it, as long as i go somewhere where other christians take refugee in too. But when i set down at the chair and looked through the weekly bulletin, i saw something that really really jumped out at me. There was a council meeting at the church that was going to discuss allowing same-sex marriges. I've heard before that the bishop of the unted church in canada had already allowed same-sex marriges, but i took for granted those faithful chistians in the church who would oppose such blasphemy.
And so after the service, we went into the gym to have some tea and talk to some of the members of the church, and so i was introduced to this lovely lady, mary brown. She is delightfully youthful, even in her 60+ yr old physique. So i asked her what she thought of this issue, believing that her age and long christian life would strictly oppose this. But little did i know how wrong i was to expect such things from elderly christians.
I was blown away by how she supported such things, saying that homosexuals are born that way. and when i actually gave her bible references to why God opposes homosexuality as a sin, she merely said that the bible was written 2000 yrs ago and that that was taken into contacts of the culture of that day! wow! and when i asked her about the projected verdict of the council meeting, she says that she sees no reason why the church wouldn;t allow such marriges, she said that she sees no reason why the church would say no! She even went on to say that everyone has been born with certain sexual orientations and that that is all in the image of God! WHAT?! oh God forgive them for they do not know what they have done! And when i told her that i was a methodist, she says that the united church has been doing more thinking than the methodist and other denominations, and therefore are are united with only the basis of love and justice,and that all the other doctrines and believes are arbitrary. doing more thinking? what? how do you quanitfy "doing more thinking"? What kind of judgement are these kind of people making? I was really really upset with what she saud, but of course i did make a nice and friendly facet. But really, inside of me, and till now, i was crying out to god and asking for why such faithful christians would be so easily deceived by the evil one. Then in the middle of the conversation, i couldnt take it any more, i excused myself, ran out of the church and hid in the car. I cried for the first time in the really long time. And i think that those who are close to me would know why this issue meant so much to me that i had to cry. And till now, thinking back to what that lovely old lady say to this issue, really made me sad.
Oh Lord, take off this weight of the world, and let my life be a real testimony!
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