Monday, July 11, 2005

sydney is soo awesome... but guess what GOD IS SOOOO MUCH MORE AWESOME!!!

ok.. so its been like a really long time since i blogged. but here are the highlights of what i've done during the summer so far:


2)gave dennis chan a really good surprise.

3)got to grow alot closer to God and stuff

Thats basiclally the 3 most important things that i've done so far. there are other ini-bidi details that i've left out. like meeting up with kim, shadrach, jill, jo and.... other people.. oh yes, and passion AC too. well, i praise God for all the things that He's shown me the last week. His love's just so awesome, i dont know how in the world to explain it. i just want Him to use me in whatever way He wishes to right now.

it waz actually really interesting. a couple of days ago waz the last night rally of the 4 day conference and i waz sooo fired up for God, which is how i'm supposed to b all the time. and then melissa ,amz and i got onto the train to head back home. the train waz pretty packed and all , so we had to share seats with these two aboriginal girl. they seemed pretty decent, apart from the lip ring and all. then i figured that since i'm sitting next to them i might as well evangelise to them right? i mean after that firey conference, its time i actually DO something about the kingdom of God. and if i dont, i'll regret it. and wats more, if i dont try the night of the rally, who's to say i will in the future? so i decided to talk to them.

i remembered the girl sitting across of me waz melody and the girl next to me waz taviar. they were really nice and i began the conversation with jokes and some aussie stuff. it waz really cool. then i broke into it.

"do u know who Jesus is" i said. they both nodded. adn giggled a little bit. "so do u belive in Him?"

"yeah well, i used to go to church. but this girl ruined my faith for me." replied the girl sitting next to me.

" really? how so?"

" i dunno. its just that she said something about my race and how i'll never get to heaven because of what i've done." she waz getting pretty uncomfortable recalling this and i didn't want to pressure her anymore.

" well, yah. i know how its like. sometimes there are so people who say that they are Christians and yet they dispise other in the way Jesus would frown upon. like, i remember how one of my muslim friends told me that a Christian guy just went up to him and said straight in his face 'how does it feel going to hell?' in a very matter-of-fact kinda of way. these people really cannot represent our faith in this way. it isnt right at all." With this, melody and taviar nodded in agree ment, but still looked rather uncomfortable talking about it. so then i went into talking about things in where they live and all. then i went beack into it after we had a coule of good laughs.

" so have u tried going to one of those churchs?" they nodded. " well, i can see how that experience with the girl was so awful. but u know, i think u should try giving God another chance again. I mean, from my personal experince, its not easy getting to know Him. But once u do, i mean, He's just to AWESOME! like its unbelievable. you can go though the same burdens that u are going through now with His hand lifting u up every time. and u know what? after u accept this awesome God and what His son did for u, ur life is gonna be transformed in an awesome way."

(i didnt realize how many times i said awesome but that seemed to be the closest word i could honestly use to describe Him and what He's done in my life. LOVE U LORD!)

so with that, Mel Amz and i reached our stop and we had to leave. i shock their hands one last time and ended with "remember! Jesus loves u!" and with that, they giggled and bid me farewell.

it was honestly a precious moment for me. and i belive God feels the same way for Himself too. i mean, this is the first time i've ever evangelised to total strangers, let alone people who aren't from my homeland. I know i need alot of improvement on evangelism, like i know i should've emphasized more on how Jesus loves them and died for them. But i think God appreciates what i've done. And what ever it is, i know that the seed has been planted into the soil. I can only pray that melody and tavier would take a step toward Jesus, cuz He will take a 100 steps toward us like how the father ran toward the prodigal son.

one thing i've learn at this conference is that the most evangelised place on earth is the Church. We all need, under the great commision, to go out into the river and cast our nets where fishes are of abundence.

and i will leave all people who call themselves born again Christians with this.

The Heaven's rejoices' resound louder when one lost sheep goes back to the Lord then when the 99 worship amongst themselves.

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