Monday, May 16, 2005

I GOT A UNITED LIVE CD! ... which i kinda left in the car and would really like to listen to it now

dont quite feel like blogging now actually. but i'm still driven to thank dennis chan for being such a freakin good friend, which by the way makes me look like a really bad friend, haha...

so what happened was last saturday i went back home to my aunt's house and kinda just lazed around, not doing much... then my aunt just sudenly remembered that i received a mail, and i kinda brushed it aside cuz i've been receiving university mail from the most desprate universities i've never even heard of. But when i looked at the mail and saw that it was from sydney australia, i KNEW it was from dennis... it was soooo unexpected! a pleasent surprise wouldnt even cut it for how surprised i was. But what surprised me even even even more, waz that it came with the new united live cd! talk about a friend who knows me soo well, even though he's half way around the world. I went mad, even before i opened the envelope. I was running all over the house like a mad man. My cousin was like," koko ivan, u have issues."

haha. well, thank God for a friend like dennis, its really not just about receiving mail from him, but most importantly for how he and his sister, melissa, have helped me grow strong in my faith. our past runs deep. Actually, the beginning of our friendship was really the beginning of my relationship with Christ. So it i think it really says something...

ok dennis, i think i've buttered u up way more then enough, haha...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

APs are over y'all !*

ok. ignore the "y'all". just trying to add a bit of black language for entertainment purposes. haha. well, just finished the APs today... gosh, feel ike dying like right now. i wanna sleep so bad, cuz straight after the APs i had to go for sailing... blah.. unfortunately its supposed to be prep time... >(.. so anyhow, i'm pretty damn happy i dont have to really bother about economics for the rest of my high school career anymore. haha. so thats good right?

yesterday, my one yr old laptop dieded on me. and YES aaron, i delibrately spelt "died" as D-I-E-D-E-D. so anyhow, when i turned on my laptop, my screen just froze for a minute and went blank. then my desktop went blue with a " security warning: you've got some blah blah trojan horse blah blah virus in your computer"... and the worst thing was, 6 new icons popped up on my computer and files. They were "online gameing, online pharmacy, free mobile phone, free scanner thingy"... and ..." online dating!?" like what the H!$%&! the worst thing was that adrian mai was watching me attempt to fix the retarded computer, and he and brian ino saw the online dating thing and thought i actually do online dating!!! do i seem that bloody desperate?! oh my cow!...

... these trojan horse people think their so damn funny...

wellz. enough of the stupid computer.

at least i have an excuse to go get a new one ;)

Sunday, May 08, 2005

the stupid boiler isnt boiling enough... says simon

so i'm supposed to be studying for psychology now... but what am i doing?posting on my blog and being lazy... sigh... simon says to go and cry.But i shal resist. Oh! and i have to prepare a freakin 15-20 line soliloquy... Is that how u spell that bugger? s-o-l-i-l-o-q-u-y? ah, what the hack.. anyhow, i have to prepare one from hamlet and recite it in class. in character. with costumes. and bloody makeup if i have to. sometimes i dread having a drama teacher to teach me english. haha. oooh wellz. okok... better do some last minute internet surfing before i go back to the books!

*as debrah taught me*

Thursday, May 05, 2005

bored before the APs

OK so its been like, what, 3 months since i last posted something? haha, yes i know... and it has come to my attention by undisclosed people (adrian, simon and aaron) that i have had countless numbers of spelling errors in my last post... the one i posted 3 months ago... yes that i will try my best to spell properly this time, haha.

so AP exams are like next week already. But thats not the end of it man, after the APs, i have to sit for final exams a few weeks later! (for the singaporean people who are reading this and are unfamiliar with the Canadian education system [and i doubt many of my singaporean friends are even reading this] the Canadian system of examinations is really weird) so anyhow, i'm really excited to go back to singapore anyhow. haha... well, i guess thats enough for now... till next time! (maybe a month or two later... but who knows :)

bored before the APs

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