Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I never really realized how utterly boring my previous two or three posts were! i mean like honestly, how many of you, assuming anyone at all is reading this, actually completely read through those posts? huh!

well, i still find them interesting. anyways, this blog is for ME and ME ONLY to collect my memories, and for those occasional few who wants to know wats going on.

remember, curiosity KILLED THE CAT! (dum dum dum!)

so random..

anyways, school just started like 3 days ago and its hasnt been nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be. And good/bad news, Vancouver MUN is next week! and being the director of ASEAN, my fellow daises and i have been frantically trying to concox crises for the comittee. But that God, i think we've come up with brillian crises.

Not to worry, dears, i will abstain from elaborating on them and spare you the misery of reading them.

i will, of course, elaborate on them on a later date once post-mun trauma have hit me. HARHARHAR...

but just a hint, me and the director of the Arab League are going to have a joint crisis. So ASEAN and AL are going have a mid-night crisis where they have to work with each other, cool no?



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