man... this week has been really crazy. I started off the school year doing really well... and then i dont know waht happened, like i'm doing really badly now. its so horrible. In the latest math test, i received a 2.5 out of 9!?! wat the... i'm positive that that is the worst mark in the whole class. Even this guy in class who used to look up to me in math in grade 10 and asked me plenty of questions is like serving me in math. why am i doing so badly? its not that i didnt study or anything. i know for a fact that i did. and its not that the tests and quizes were difficult. i knew how to do it! but why cant i just perform during my tests? i wasn't nervous or anything...what is happening man. and this is my grad year. sigh... i dont know, but i think i might not actually get into boston u. I have to keep working my butt off the rest of the year, and i thought i had a great start this year, how dissapointing. I really dont know what to do.. its not that the material is difficult or anything! and i really hope that i'm not overloading myself with course work. i have no spares and 2 aps. graduating with 6. I still dont understand why i'm doing so badly, well, not all that bad, maybe i can get an average of 85% this mid term. But man! in saints, thats really crap!Wow, when i was reading debra's blog, i wished i could have been there at her school. pearson college looks like a load of fun. even though studies might be more difficult there, the culture and the student life there is definitely less cut-throat, and i can atually bother about things more impotant in life.
Well, thats enough of complaining right now, have to go to my other class now.. oh well, fingers crossed!
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