Tuesday, February 21, 2006

So it's been a pretty alright week since the last i blogged. Nothing much has happened except for a bunch of birthdays. Isnt it weird how so many people's birthdays are on febuary, especially mid-feb?

or maybe its just me.. haha

Yeah, i went to Grouse with aaron, adrian, animesh, ashley, sean, nicole, samantha and aunty anne. it was pretty cool getting back on the mountains againt o ski. it never really occured to me that i wouldnt actually be able to ski after i graduate till like...forever! well not really, but for a long time at least.

but yeah, nicole and samantha are sean's freinds i meet just a few days ago. they're from singapore. Apparently, as they claim, they know how to ski.

Yeah right! haha!

It was immensely amusing. Nicole, speed down the slope, arms flailing in the air with poles on each hand, skis pointed to the bottom, screaming for dear life, heading right toward the line for the ski lift.

i have to admit, i feel rather terrible laughing so hard at her when she crashed right into, not onto, INTO the barrier, breaking one of the sticks keeping it up. She got totally wasted on the snow, her touque actually flew right out of her head. it was sooooo incredibly funny. haha

but anyways, i feel sorry for her to. yeah right, haha.

Anyways, my sister is coming over to visit this weekend. Whether it is to vist me, as she claims, or the Whistler mountain remain debatable. but anyways, i'm going up to whistler with her! yay! cant wait. cant wait.


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