Friday, June 02, 2006

This, is too weird

There is less then 4 days of school left.

Of high school

The LAST 4 days of my ENTIRE high school life.... left...

The life which begun with entering ACS(primary) to entering ACS (br). To entering St Georges.

In short...

the only life i knew.

Is over, in a simple matter of FOUR days or 96 hrs or 5760 mins or 345600 sec.

And by the time this is published, those numbers would have already been reduced.
And by the time u've read this, those numbers would have already been reduced even further.
And by the time i've posted my next post, those numbers would have been reduced to a measly Z-E-R-O.

Anyways, i'm just waiting for my silk screens to be primed for printing... in the mean time, i've found some fotos of my old art work on my school account (which would ultimately be discontinued/severed/oblitorated in no less then a month)

so here goes.

Weight of the world

This is incomplete, and i dont intend to complete it. haha. my teacher hates this piece. haha

Portrait of a woman (print)

This was the final of three very gruelling attempts. I'm totally in love with this. So much so that i wont remove it from my portfolio case. haha. it was a carborundum print. (dont bother googling wat that it, its so unknown a technique, even google doesnt have it... i think)

Potrait of a woman (plate)

So this is the inked-up plate with made the print above. I refused to wash the ink off, i think the plate looks like a piece in itself.


A prototype study for my final exam piece. its too bad fotos cant capture prints very well. it looks gross on this foto, but i'm lovin' this piece.


I'm soo lovin this piece. I used this piece amongst others for my art uni interview. definitely gonna get this framed when i go back to singapore.


havent named this one, but this is of sentimental value. Was my very first carborundum print.


This is the first of my 3 studies which led to my most sucessful peice this year (of which i have no foto of :P) its called bali only cuz this piece was inspired by a piece i bought in bali.

this is study number two. it was from this piece that i realized how valuable my art teacher was. This pisce has the most unbelieveable number of layers underneath it, from over painting. haha. but i love it.

my friend ricky. Art class buddy and rigg scholar. (remember my post about this scholarship?)

Ricky's brother, Henry... oh and friend, matt kalkman


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