Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crack the Shutters

i dunno where to begin. this is the first post in literally years, and i only feel compelled to post something cuz i need to reorganize my thoughts in an attempt to figure out my future.

To take the Gap yr or not?


1) Because I need to be more employable to businesses after i graduate from uni, and the only way about it is to have biz experience, which right now i don't have.
2) To have the assurance of coming back to uni for final year of law school (with possibly) no commitments to a biz.
3) Gain as many contacts as i can before i graduate.
4) Be able to try a form of biz with no expectation of the "long haul".


1) Not graduating with friends.
2) Might loose motivation and essential study skills.
3) Hassle of moving belongings around.
4) Exposure to potential financial risk with regards to parent's ability to fund tuition fees.
5) No guarantee of useful business experience.

At the end of the day, all evidence seems to point to the fact that i SHOULD take the Gap year, as the benefits outweigh the disincentives. A few years down the road, once everyone has graduated and friends and i are in the working field, I know i will thank myself in retrospect, i dont see why not.

I thank God, whatever the case, that the pickle I'm stuck in isn't so much between a rock and a hard place. Rather, its between the clearly marked, well-travelled gravel path (the status quo) and the picturesque, less-travelled dirt path (the could-be). Both ways, i won't be in a disadvantage.

But do I need a firm offer from a biz before i decide to begin my gap year?


1) Without a firm offer, i could end up bumming around and wasting time instead of graduating sooner.


2) So what if i don't graduate sooner? Won't I at least find a job to do? Or at least attempt setting up some form of business? The attempt of searching to establish myself with in itself be valuable experience. And I am not one to bum around anyways.

So it seems my logic and reason points to the fact that I should, in fact take this year off.

This is one of the most significant cross roads in my life. Probably just one down from choosing to study in Canada. This has significant impact in my future career, and I need to figure out what I'm all about, what i actually am passionate about, and what i am called to do.


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